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The Gachon Herald
Coffee, Who are you?
g.herald  |  g.herald1984@gmail.com
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Updated : 2012.08.18  14:47:15
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Coffee, Who are you?

  Recent three year, Coffee is eye of typhoon in Korea. Everywhere we go, there is coffee shop. Also, in sideboard, there is full of instant coffee. But, Many kind of coffee have different feature. Coffee which we drink have many type and area of production.
  Producing coffee is quite limited. Based on equator, coffee is grown between latitude of 25 degrees south and 25 degrees north. This area is called 'Coffee belt'. Besides, altitude of 1,000 to 3,000 height, 15 to 25 average temperature are required. The most important circumstance is Frost. Frost is enemy of coffee.
  Coffee's species are divided 3 type. Liberica which bitter taste and weak fragrance is in disfavor. So, it is produced only 1% in worldwide. Almost every coffee that we are drink in coffee shop is Arabica. Accounts for around 70~80% of total global output, Arabica is popular type because of sour taste and plentiful fragrance. Base material of instant coffee is Robusta. Below Arabica level, but Robusta have their own delicate taste. The most popular area of production are paragraph below.
  First is Ethiopia which discovered coffee first time in the world. As origin of coffee, Ethiopia coffee chase high quality. For this reason, 30% of population are at work in coffee. Produced east district in Ethiopia which called Harrar, have strong sour taste and blueberry flavor. Among them, I think Yirgacheffe(produced in south district in Ethiopia) is suitable coffee for Korean people's taste. Plenty of floral fragrance and well-riped fruit taste is Yirgacheffe's feature. You can feel sweet potato perfume when you make coffee with hand drip.
  Second is one of the largest coffee producer in the world, Brazil. Over 30% of the world's coffee comes from Brazil, and most of that uses in instant coffee. Brazil coffee have various taste because of large produce area. Brazil Santos NO.2 is one of famous coffee all over the world, because it has neutral taste and perfume. Also, Brazil is second large consumption of coffee, they have their own hospitality way. They serve special coffee for their guest which called 'Cafe Zinho'.
  Third, the rising nation of coffee, China. They have a area about two-thirds the size of Seoul. China's final target is world largest coffee production and core of process. Coffee production in China will rise because Chinese people's consumption of coffee is keep increasing and China's government do a full support of coffee market.
  Even if we use high quality coffee, freshness choose coffee's real taste. Oxygen, sun, moisture and smell except coffee are affect freshness of coffee. Because coffee have their own lifespan. So you have to manage coffee carefully. As a guide, Green beans(before roast)are three years, roasted beans(after roast) are 1month, unpacked beans are 7days, grounded beans are 18minute, extracted coffee is 3minute lifespan.



Coffee, Who are you?

  Over the last three years, coffee has become the eye of the typhoon in Korea. Everywhere we go, there is an abundance of coffee shops. Furthermore, when you look around, the billboards are plastered with ads for instant coffee. It is evident that coffee has become hugely popular in Korea. With all this choice it is hard to know what to drink. In the following paragraphs a brief overview of the main coffee growing regions, types of coffee bean and their unique features, and some tips about storing coffee will be given.
  Coffee production is mainly limited to. An area near the equator, between latitude 25 degrees south and 25 degrees north called the 'Coffee belt'. The coffee plant thrives at altitudes of 1,000 to 3,000 meters above sea level, with an average temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The most important factor is that there is no frost. Even a light frost would cripple the coffee plant and devastate the harvest.
  There are three main producers; Ethiopia, Brazil, and China. Ethiopia, where coffee was first discovered, seeks to produce high quality coffee beans. As the origin of coffee, Ethiopia has 30% of the population involved in the production of coffee. Brazil is one of the largest coffee producers in the world. Over 30% of the world's coffee comes from Brazil, and most of that is used in instant coffee. China is the rising nation of coffee production. They have an area about two-thirds the size of Seoul under cultivation. China's final target is to be the largest coffee producer in the world and the core of the production process. Coffee production in China will rise because Chinese people's consumption of coffee keeps increasing and the coffee industry has the full support of the Chinese government. Depending upon where the species of coffee plant and where the beans are grown they have different characteristics, which makes them suitable for different markets.
  There are three main species of coffee plant; liberica, Arabica, and Robusta. Liberica, which tastes bitter and has a weak fragrance is out of favor and makes up only 1% of worldwide annual production. Almost every coffee that we are drink in coffee shop is Arabica, which accounts for around 70~80% of total global output. Arabica is the most popular type because of its sour taste and pungent fragrance. Robusta provides the base material of most instant coffee.
  Coffee beans grown in Harrar, in the eastern part of Ethiopia, have a strong sour taste with a hint of blueberry. The beans grown in Yirgacheffe (in the southern district of Ethiopia) are suitable for the Korean market. They boast plenty of floral fragrance and have a well-ripened fruity taste. It is said that they emit a sweet potato aroma when you brew them. Brazilian coffee beans have various tastes because of large produce area. Brazil Santos NO.2 is one of the most famous coffee beans all over the world, because it has neutral taste and perfume. Brazilians, as the second largest group of consumers of coffee, have their own hospitality style. They serve a special coffee for their guest called 'Cafe Zinho'. Regardless of the method of serving coffee, to enjoy good coffee it is important that the coffee is fresh.
  Even if high quality coffee beans are used, the taste diminishes with age. Exposure to oxygen, sun, moisture affects the freshness of coffee. Therefore coffee has a lifespan. So, if you want to enjoy delicious coffee, you have to store coffee carefully. As a guide, Green beans (before roasting) remain fresh for up to three years, roasted beans (after roasting) just 1 month, unpacked beans are good for 7days, and ground beans must be used within 18 minutes, and finally extracted coffee should be consumed within 3 minutes. So drink up and enjoy~

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