It was in March when spring flowers bloomed beautifully. At that time, the seniors in front of me were all nice and I was a freshman who knew nothing. I just wanted to learn something and the sense of belonging made me very happy. Before I knew it, I became a junior and, further still, editor-in-chief of The Gachon Herald. All seniors that I met looked as if they had known everything. However, I am not the person like them. Still, there is a lot I don’t know, and writing is difficult for me.
I asked myself, “Do I deserve this position?” In fact, only my juniors can answer the question, not me. I want to be remembered by my juniors as someone who tried to become a ‘respectable senior’ not a ‘Ggon-dae Un-nie’. There’s only a little difference between a veteran and a Ggon-dae. It is subtle but stark.
I always feel agonized. Am I doing well? Do juniors look down on me? Do I make the atmosphere too comfortable…? I was so lucky to have met such good seniors. I watched and learnt from them. I hope my juniors think that they are lucky meeting me. I really want to teach something valuable to them.
When I am leave at the completion of the semester and leave ‘The Gachon Herald’, I want to ask my juniors, “How do you want to define me, as a Ggon-dae or a veteran?
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