The 3rd North-South Korean summit was held with South Korea’s president Jae-in Moon and North Korea’s president Jong-un Kim in April 27th, 2018. It was historical moment that since 2007 for 11years, the two countries’ president didn’t meet together, because of North and South Korea’s relationship is not in good shape. But in this time two president met together and discuss about their relationship, the Korean Peninsula’s peace, nuclear development problem and issue the ‘Panmunjeom announcement’ for reunification.
Summit was held in “house of peace” in Paju, North Korea. It was meaningful that it was first time, the North Korea’s president came to South Korea. And It’s also meaningful that two countries’ troubled relations has improved. In this summit, Jong-un Kim declared the CVID(nuclear has to discard in complete, verifiable, irreversible, dismantlement way), it can ease the tentions about the war.
Also, taking this opportunity, North Korea changed closed society to opened society. In this June 12th, North Korea–United States summit was held for the improvement of relationship. It was huge decision to North Korea’s president that he decided to meet with another countries.
Summit ended in good situation, It was such a great scene that two countries’ president joked together with smile, respect each other. It looked like the reunification came true already. With this summit, I want South and North Korea go closer to unification.
Source of the Photograph: Google
The 3rd Inter-Korean Summit was held with South Korea’s president Jae-in Moon and North Korea’s president Jong-un Kim on April 27th, 2018. It was a historical moment in that since 2007 for 11years, the two countries’ presidents have not met together, because North and South Korea’s relationship has not been in good shape. But in this time the two presidents met together and discussed about their relationship, the Korean Peninsula’s peace, denuclearization and issue the ‘Panmunjeom announcement’ for reunification.
The summit was held in the House of Peace, which lies on the border between the North and the South. It was meaningful in that it was first time that the North Korean president came to South Korea, and it was the first time in the last 11 years that the two countries’ troubled relations has improved. In this summit, Jong-un Kim declared the intention to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula in order to ease the tensions about the war.
Also, taking this opportunity, North Korea changed from a closed society to an opened society. On this June 12th, the North Korea–United States summit was held for the improvement of the North Korean-United States relationship. It was huge decision for North Korea’s president that he decided to meet with the leader of another country.
The summit ended in good situation well, It was such a great scene that The two countries’ presidents joked together with smiles, and respected each other. It looked like the reunification had come true already. With this summit, I want South and North Korea to go closer towards reunification. < Copyright © The Gachon Herald All rights reserved > |