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The Gachon Herald
The man searching for a dream bigger than yesterdayJang Jea-hyuk, Leader of Band ¡®HANO,¡¯ Class of 09, the department of interior Construction Engineering
Lim Sung kyu  |  imsungkyu777@gmail.com
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Updated : 2013.06.06  01:06:52
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  Nowadays, interest towards music is getting high. When you turn on a TV, you can watch a lot of audition and singing programs. On terrestrial channels, various music-related programs are increasing in popularity. But, what would happen if there were no rewards for winners? Maybe if it weren’t for a reward, they would not desperately compete in the audition. There are people who search for popularity rather than music itself, and adolescents who dream of becoming a singer are not that different. Their dreams end when they believe they achieve their goal.
  Think of your dream now. Is there another dream that would fill you with joy even after you achieve your dream? If not, I hope you find an answer through our talk with Jang Jea-hyuk, our senior and the leader of band the HANO. Let’s track down his steps to find out what he wants after living a full life of ups and downs. 

  On the evening of March 16th, we met him at a café located around Sookmyung University. Hano’s bassist Kim Bo-Mi was also with us, and after a few minutes of silence, he started to tell us about his life, values and dreams.

# Album 1. Searching for music

Track 1. Reality named school and ideal named music

  I started music after entering the high school band. At that time, I played the drums. Because I worked hard for the band and part-time job after school, study was pushed aside. But, I realized that I had to go college, and I began to study just 6 months before the college entrance exam. Fortunately I got accepted at Gachon University’s Global Campus. Because of my family’s poor financial status I began to work after school from when I was fourteen, and in college I studied during the day and worked at a bar at night. A lot of money was needed for school work, and a part time job was not enough. I faced a crisis; even a student loan was impossible; there was no choice but to take time off from school in the second semester.
Things were not going as I planned, and I started my career at a company to earn tuition. While I was working, however, I felt skeptical. Why should I work here? What is my real dream? I agonized a lot. Even though I love music, it seemed difficult to realize the dream. It felt as if my obsession of music prohibited me from doing well on my studies and working at the company. To give it all up, I entered military service earlier than I planned.

Track 2. Passion for music found after escaping from the throes of death

  I thought that I would give up music during military life. One day, by accident, I fell down from a 20m-high cliff while working, and I barely survived by hanging halfway down the cliff. At that time, instead of trying to get out of the situation, I thought that I wanted to be free from my life-----living for money and being hurt by military life. I almost let go, but all of a sudden, the pictures of my past went through my head like a film. It occurred to me that it’s too unfair to die now before I even attempt to do music. So, I climbed up the cliff with my bare hands.

Track 3. I have a dream

  After going back and forth between life and death, I realized that life means never knowing when to die. I determined that I would live my life doing whatever I wanted to do, and I thought I want to be a person who can console and give comfort to people who are in pain, giving them encouragement through my voice. So I fixed my goal to be a musician, and I started to learn the guitar and composition in military. I started work as a musician after discharge from the military.

# Album 2. Fighting against reality

Track1. First step

  After being discharged from military service, I told my parents that I wanted to start music. They were stubbornly opposed to this. My father was a painter and my brother was a sports player. They knew it is difficult to earn money by way of art. Even in high school I got punished as I got caught being in a band, and my family told me they’d have my name removed from the family register. As such, there was a lot of opposition on the part of my family, but I gave them my plan for my 1 year goal. I promised that if I could not achieve my goal, I would give it up, and then I worked like crazy with my music during that one year. At that time, I organized a band ‘HANO’ with the juniors from my high school band. And I achieved my goals by having number of concerts and publishing a digital album. Now my family believes in me and they are the biggest fans of my band.

Track 2. Hard reality

  But, in the course of doing my music, reality was not easy. I knew that being a musician did not mean being rich, but I never realized it could be this hard. Equipment is expensive, but income from music is very small. For example, it costs 15000 won to rent a practice room per hour, and we usually practiced for 10 hours. The income from concerts normally is none or 20000 or 30000 won, because we play only as a part-time job. To save money, we practiced in the park and often got expelled because of the complaints by the local residents, about making noise at midnight.

Track 3. Overcoming

  As a result of being expelled, we practiced on streets and started street concerts which is called ‘busking.’ Day by day, our fans increased one by one and we became a ‘busking band’. At first, we did a lot of concerts in the street. During concerts at Hong-ik University, Jong-ro and Dea-hak-ro, we had hot can coffees, hot packs and tips given to our guitar case, and these cheered us all up. I felt happy when I heard claps from our audience.

# Album 3. Jang Jea-hyuk and my dream

Track 1. My motto and the Band HANO’

  My motto is ‘live better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today.’ At the point of starting music, the meaning of my day got more meaningful. I think our life changes when we realize a day is really valuable. After I escaped from the throes of death, I started to live my life appreciating its values every day. A day becomes a week, a month, and a year. I set up a goal for 1, 5, and 10 years, trying to meet them every day. That is why I named my band ‘HANO,’ meaning ‘singing a day.’

Track 2. Talking to youth about dream

  I’m too young to define a dream, but I just would like to tell others ‘just do it’. Youths tend not to know their dream, because to find out what their dreams and interests are, they have to encounter and try lots of things. It is not easy for them to do. In my case, I did everything besides study and music was the one that I found interesting. I want to suggest that you do wander around place to place. I want to say to you to find what you really want and enjoy your life.

Track 3. Final my dream and something I want to talk to you about

  I like Kim Mi-kyung’s book ‘Dream-on’, and my dream-age is 3 years old by the standard suggested in the book. My final dream is to change the world. Kim gives people dreams, and that’s what I want to do as well. In my 20s, I will give people messages of dreams through music. And In my 30s, I will become a movie director. In my 40s I’ll be a writer and in my 50s I want to be a lecturer like Kim, giving messages to people about dreams. You can think it is an offbeat and absurd kind of dream, but I am writing a ‘thinking arrangement note’ through steady reading. With this habit, I am getting ready for my current music work and future dreams. Above all, I have a definite answer to the question of ‘why?’ unlike many people’s ‘just because’ type of answer. I am climbing a mountain for my goal, and I’m sure one day this will help me to achieve what I’m dreaming of. 

  Two hours of interview with him makes me convinced that he is a real extensive reader. I first met him last year at our school’s broadcasting festival. On Friday November 23rd, after the event ended, he introduced himself as a senior of Gachon University and leader of the band ‘HANO,’ and he started to sing a song. I usually like to listen to acoustic music that is indie style, so I started to have an interest in him. As he accepted my interview request, I made the most of this opportunity to talk with him and see his view of life and his dreams. It was valuable to learn, especially his dreams that are getting bigger and bigger. Of course I knew dreams are important things, but the interview with him made me think what I really want and what my dream is. 

  Now, ask yourself. What is the thing that you are working and studying for? Figure out if your dream is only one, or indefinite or always the same. I hope we all dream of a bigger dream than that of the past, and our dreams do make our lives thrilling.

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