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The Gachon Herald
Predue University
kweagle  |  k.eagle1984@gmail.com
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Updated : 2011.09.09  18:47:12
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  The beginning of summer always makes me recall the days at Purdue, ¡¡¡¡where I worked toward my M.A. and Ph.D. degree in the early to mid 2000s. All the beautiful flowers, trees, and their tender green hue on campus signaled the end of spring semester and it was time for a long summer break.
  Purdue University was established in 1869 ¡¡¡¡from the donation of the businessman John Purdue, after whom the University was aptly named. As the biggest university in the state of Indiana, Purdue is a state university located in West Lafayette, Indiana. It is widely renowned for its college of engineering, college of management, college of agriculture, and college of veterinary medicine. Purdue's college of engineering is one of the strongest nationwide, and its graduate programs of Aeronautical Engineering as well as of Mechanical Engineering rank among best in the country. Purdue is also the proud home to some of the world's most widely known astronauts, including Neil Armstrong. Also it is the alma mater of the Nobel Prize winner Edward Mills Purcell, and the prestigious CEOs of UPS, and Texas Instruments.
  Despite its Midwest location, Purdue ranks high in international student enrollment, and the number of international Korean students runs third after that of Chinese and Indian students. Even the Visitor Information page of Purdue website displays the Korean greeting, "ȯ¿µÇÕ´Ï´Ù." (http://www.purdue.edu/vic/). The familial atmosphere on campus is its most memorable aspect, and Purdue's underground tunnels that connect its main buildings enable people to walk about even in the harshest winter weather. The campus is quiet and peaceful, l but its location allows you to access the big city life without much trouble. Indianapolis, the state capital of Indiana, which is famous for the Indy 500 automobile race, is just one hour away ¡¡¡¡from campus. You can also reach Chicago, the "windy city" ¡¡¡¡where you can enjoy wind and Jazz within two and a half hours.
  At Purdue, there are many school traditions you would find interesting. (http://www.purdue.edu/purdue/about/traditions.html) The Bug Bowl at Spring Fest will give you an unforgettable chance to taste fried bugs with chocolate sauce. The Purdue Grand Prix, an on-campus go-Kart race, is another tradition that all students and community members enjoy. In winter, sledding at Slayter Hill is the most popular activity for all, and students not equipped with sleds often use cardboard boxes or big plastic bags as they do in Korea.
  What I most cherished about Purdue was its familial and multicultural atmosphere that granted me the
opportunity to freely take a variety of courses, and have eager discussions along with the friendly community members as well as racially diverse students ¡¡¡¡from all over the world. For example I was in the Ed. D. (Doctor of Education) program, but for interdisciplinary purpose I was allowed to take Computer Graphics and Computer Programming courses beyond my major of Educational Technology. Furthermore, the academic curriculum at Purdue University offers flexible and intensive support and it enabled me to study PBL (problem-based learning), which was related to my dissertation while working toward Gifted Education M.A.Ed. as well.
  Finally, nationally and globally prestigious companies visit the Purdue campus to recruit students, and Purdue alumni actively and successfully cover every professional field. You can be closely connected to and supported by fellow Purdue alumni whichever major you choose. The Purdue Alumni Association in Korea holds an annual meeting, and it is a valuable event to participate and be involved in.

 Park SungHee, graduate school of education

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